I created Moors & Saints in Dubai during the Year of Tolerance to promote a new Middle East that embraces diversity and pluralism. Recognizing the need to connect cultures in meaningful ways during divisive times, I sought an art form that transcended borders. Moorish geometric design caught my attention as it can be found in various religious and architectural structures worldwide, symbolizing shared history and heritage.
With Moors & Saints, I aimed to demonstrate that we have more in common than we realize. Additionally, I wanted to extend our social impact beyond sociocultiral integration and diplomacy by supporting women and impactful social projects. To achieve this, Moors & Saints donates 10% of profits to partner NGOs through the Be a Saint Program. We believe that our customers, who we consider the real Saints, play a significant role in our mission.

To learn more about Moors & Saints as a brand and its values as well as impact in bridging multiple gaps in society, please visit our website at www.moorsandsaints.com.


Moors & Saints Campaign: Sisterhood is Sacred